Coffee HourCoffee hour is a time of fellowship after the service at 9:00 am. Our hosts prepare, set-up, serve, and clean-up so that during coffee hour, the rest of us can relax and enjoy our time together. Our coffee hour is a special time for us to catch up with old friends and to make new friends.
At each coffee hour, one person or a small collaborative team provides light snacks, coffee, tea, and juice. Some hosts want to bake, some prefer to buy snacks, some want to set up for coffee hour but do not want to make the coffee, some only want to make the coffee, and others help with cleaning up. On special occasions, we have a larger team and we have more elaborate snacks and maybe even a light lunch. We have also had the kids from Children's Church helping with baking and serving after the 10:00 service. The Co-ordinators are Maryellen Yaroshefski and Mary Johnson. |
Trinity Episcopal church
Weekly scheduleSUNDAY
9:00 am — Holy Eucharist Rite II 10:00 am — Coffee Hour community THURSDAY 4:00 pm — Community Meals (Grab 'n Go) |