Eucharist II
Celebrating the Season of Creation
the 14th Sunday after Pentecost (Year C, Proper 19)
Welcome to Trinity Episcopal Church. We are delighted that you are gathered together with us today. Please follow along with the following order of service. All participation is optional and all are welcome at Christ’s Table for Holy Communion.
Presider The Rev. John Elliott Lein
Acolyte* Tessa Scrimgeour
Lector Touie Jackson
Music Liz Pekkela
Ushers Cindi Scrimgeour &
Katherine Coté
Coffee Hour
Digital Minister Wayne Stochaj
Vestry Liaison Sarah Prevelige
Altar Guild Lisa Ruggiero
* While the Eucharistic
Minister distribution of wine is on hold during the pandemic, the Acolyte
assists the Presider.
There is provision for young children in the Narthex (rear of
church) and a room with toys to the right downstairs. Children are welcome in
our services! We offer age-appropriate programs October-May yearly.
“Some people, in
order to discover God, read books. But there is a great book: the very
appearance of created things. Look above you! Look below you! Read it. God,
whom you want to discover, never wrote that book with ink. Instead
God set before your eyes the things that God had made. Can you ask for a louder
voice than that?” — St. Augustine of
As the procession enters, the People may stand for praise
Presider Blessed be the One who creates all
People The Holy One’s love is new every
God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are
hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love all, and worthily magnify your holy Name; through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Leader Greetings in the name of our God who is good:
People Whose love endures forever.
Leader Greetings to you, sun and moon,
you stars of the northern sky;
People Give to our God your thanks and praise.
Leader Sunrise and sunset, night and day;
People Give to our God your thanks and praise.
Leader Greetings to you, hills and valleys, rivers and ponds, sea and rain;
People Give to our God your thanks and praise.
Leader Greetings to you, oak and pine,
hemlock and birch, tammarack and maple;
People Give to our God your thanks and praise.
Leader Greetings to you, hawks and sparrows, cardinals and robins, bats and blue jays, ravens and crows;
People Give to our God your thanks and praise.
Leader Greetings to you, bears and deer, chipmunks and squirrels, and beaver and bobcats;
People Give to our God your thanks and praise.
Leader Greetings to you, people of all genders, elders and
children, indigenous and colonists, diverse cultures of this rainbow land;
Nurses and teachers, scientists and artists, cleaners and clerks, students and job-seekers,
All who care, who love, and who pray,
Who laugh and learn, who rest and who play;
People Give to our God your thanks and
The Creator be with you. And also with
you. Let us pray.
O God, having shown
us how far your love goes in saving the lost and forgotten, mercifully grant
that we might join you in the work of reuniting with all creatures; through
Jesus Christ the Wisdom of Creation, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy
Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.
The People may be seated for the readings
At that time it will be said to this people and to Jerusalem: A hot
wind comes from me out of the bare heights in the desert toward my poor people,
not to winnow or cleanse—a wind too strong for that. Now it is I who speak in
judgment against them.
“For my people are
they do not know me;
they are stupid
they have no understanding.
They are skilled in
doing evil,
but do not know how to do good.”
I looked on the earth, and lo, it
was waste and void;
and to the heavens, and they had no light.
I looked on the mountains, and lo,
they were quaking,
and all the hills moved to and fro.
I looked, and lo, there
was no one at all,
and all the birds of the air had fled.
I looked, and lo, the
fruitful land was a desert,
and all its cities were laid in ruins
before the Lord, before his fierce
For thus says the Lord:
The whole land shall be a desolation; yet I will not make a full end.
Because of this the
earth shall mourn,
and the heavens above grow black;
for I have spoken, I
have purposed;
I have not relented nor will I turn back.”
Lector Hear what Creation says to the Churches.
People Thanks be to the Creator.
The People will recite
as instructed
The fool has said in his heart, “There is
no God.” *
All are corrupt and commit abominable
there is none who does any good.
The Lord
looks down from heaven upon us all, *
to see if there is any who is wise,
if there is one who seeks after God.
Every one has proved
faithless; all alike have turned bad;*
there is none who does good; no, not one.
Have they no knowledge, all those
evildoers *
who eat up my people like bread
and do not call upon the Lord?
See how they tremble with fear, *
because God is in the company of the
Their aim is to confound the plans of the
afflicted, *
but the Lord is their refuge.
Oh, that Israel's deliverance would come out of Zion!*
when the Lord restores the fortunes of
his people,
Jacob will rejoice and Israel be glad.
we speak of the “environment,” what we really mean is a relationship existing
between nature and the society which lives in it. Nature cannot be regarded as
something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting
in which we live. We are part of nature, included in it and thus in constant
interaction with it. Recognizing the reasons why a given area is polluted
requires a study of the workings of society, its economy, its behavior
patterns, and the ways it grasps reality. Given the scale of change, it is no
longer possible to find a specific, discrete answer for each part of the
problem. It is essential to seek comprehensive solutions which consider the
interactions within natural systems themselves and with social systems. We are
faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but
rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental.
Strategies for a solution demand an integrated approach to combating poverty,
restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature.
Lector Hear what Creation says to the Churches.
People Thanks be to the Creator.
The People may stand for the Gospel
People Glory to you, Lord Christ.
All the tax
collectors and sinners were coming near to listen to Jesus. And the Pharisees
and the scribes were grumbling and saying, “This fellow
welcomes sinners and eats with them.”
So he told them this parable: “Which one of you, having a hundred sheep
and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go
after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it
on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home, he calls together his
friends and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my
sheep that was lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven
over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no
“Or what woman having ten silver coins, if she
loses one of them, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully
until she finds it? When she has found it, she calls together her friends and
neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had
lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.”
The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord
The People may stand
and join together in recitation
We believe in God, who creates all things,
who embraces all things, who celebrates all things,
who is present in every part of the fabric of creation.
We believe in God as the source of all life,
who baptizes this planet with living water.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the suffering one, the poor one,
the malnourished one, the climate refugee,
who loves and cares for this world
and who suffers with it.
And we believe in Jesus Christ, the seed of
who came to reconcile and renew this world
and everything in it.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the breath of God,
who moves with God
and who moves among and with us today.
We believe in everlasting life in God.
And we believe in the hope that one day God will put an end to death and
all destructive forces. Amen.
The People may stand or
kneel for the prayers
and respond to each petition as instructed
Intercessor Blessed God, whose love calls the whole creation into covenant with you, and who puts in our hands responsibility for the care of the earth and its creatures: we pray for all to whom you have given life and being, saying, “Creator, keep your planet and people in peace.”
Intercessor For the well-being of the earth; for its resources of water, air, light, and soil, that they may be tended for the good of all creatures, we pray:
People Creator, keep your planet and people in peace.
Intercessor For the waters of the earth; for their careful use and conservation, that we may have the will and the ability to keep them clean and pure, we pray:
People Creator, keep your planet and people in peace.
Intercessor For the mineral and energy resources of the planet, that we may learn sustainable consumption and sound care of the environment from which they come, we pray:
People Creator, keep your planet and people in peace.
Intercessor For the animals of the earth, wild and domestic, large and very small, that they may know the harmony of relationship that sustains all life, we pray:
People Creator, keep your planet and people in peace.
Intercessor For the creatures of the earth who do us harm and those whose place in your creation we do not understand or welcome, that we may see them as beloved creatures of God, we pray:
People Creator, keep your planet and people in peace.
Intercessor For all who shape public policies affecting the planet and its creatures, that they may consider wisely the well-being of all who come after us, we pray:
People Creator, keep your planet and people in peace.
Intercessor For all those engaged in
conservation, in agriculture and ranching, in aquaculture and fishing, in
mining and industry, and in forestry and timber-harvesting, that the health,
fruitfulness, and beauty of the natural world may be sustained alongside human
we pray:
People Creator, keep your planet and people in peace.
Intercessor For the creatures and the human beings of your world who are ill, or in danger, pain, or special need, and all those on our parish prayer list: for the Falcone/Jones family; Larry Poch; Ed Manley; the Garretson family; Bitsy; Sal & Vas Ferreira; Laura Uretsky; Barbara; Valerie; Beth & Terry; Esther McKenzie; Judy Shea; Chrissy & Mark; Thomas Scano; the Canali Family; all those in public service, especially Brendan Wood; and for all who suffer from the unjust, violent, or wasteful use of the earth’s resources or their devastation by war, that all may one day live in communities of justice and peace, we pray:
People Creator, keep your planet and people in peace.
Intercessor For the gifts of science and technology and for those who practice these skills, that they may be wise, visionary, and compassionate in their work, we pray:
People Creator, keep your planet and people in peace.
Intercessor For the creatures and the people of the earth whose lives and deaths have contributed to the fruitful abundance of this planet, we pray:
People Creator, keep your planet and people in peace.
Intercessor Joining our voices together, we pray:
All God of unchangeable power, when you fashioned the world the morning stars sang together and the host of heaven shouted for joy; open our eyes to the wonders of creation and teach us to use all things for good, to the honor of your glorious name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Let us confess our sins against God and all Creation.
Silence may be kept. Then All pray:
Holy and merciful God,
we confess that we have failed to honor you
by rightly claiming our kinship with all your creatures.
We have walked heavily on your earth,
overused and wasted its resources,
taken for granted its beauty and abundance,
and treated its inhabitants unjustly,
holding future generations hostage to our greed.
Have mercy on us and forgive us our sin.
Renew in us the resolve to keep and conserve your earth as you desire and intend,
with grateful and compassionate hearts,
through your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Presider gives the Absolution
Almighty God have mercy on you, forgive you all your sins through our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen you in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep you in eternal life. Amen.
The People may stand. The Presider says
Presider The God of heaven has made a home on earth.
All Christ dwells among us and is one with us.
Presider The peace of Christ be always with you.
People And also with you.
and then sit to prepare for the Holy Eucharist.
Please be respectful of the wishes of others for physical contact.
“To live, we must daily break the body and shed the blood of Creation. When we do this knowingly, lovingly, skillfully, reverently, it is a sacrament. When we do it ignorantly, greedily, clumsily, destructively, it is a desecration. In such desecration we condemn ourselves to spiritual and moral loneliness, and others to want.” — Wendell Berry
The offering plate is passed
while the Table is set
The Presider invites the People stand for Thanksgiving
The Creator be with you.
People And also with you.
Presider Lift up your hearts.
People We lift them to the
Presider Let us give
thanks to the Creator our God.
People It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Praise and
thanks are yours, our Creating God. From the dust of the earth
you shaped human beings in your own image, and you filled the earth and seas
and skies with a myriad of wonders. Yet we consistently turn your generosity
into our scarcity, your elegance into our meanness, and your simplicity into
our corruption. Though we poison and destroy your good Creation, you continue
to offer us your abundance. In your mercy, you have redeemed us through your
Son, Jesus, transforming death into life.
Through the Spirit you continue to call us into
covenant with you—for the restoration of Creation and the reconciliation of all
And so we give you thanks, rejoicing with all of Creation, as we join the saints and angels in their unending hymn:
The People may kneel or stand as the Presider continues
In the night that Jesus was betrayed, he took bread, and gave thanks to
God. He broke the bread, gave it to his friends and said: “Take and eat, for
this is my body, given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
He took the wine,
and gave thanks to God, Creator. He gave it to his friends saying: “This is my
blood of the new covenant, shed for you and for all creation for the
forgiveness of sins. Every time you drink of the wine, do this in remembrance
of me.”
So we
proclaim the mystery of faith:
All join together in proclaiming
Dying, you
destroyed our death.
Rising, you restored our life.
Christ Jesus, come in glory!
God, we come to this table seeking reconciliation: with you, with one another,
and with all creation. Through these mysteries reconcile us to our world and
empower us to restore your Creation and fulfill your will. Send your
life-giving Spirit upon us, and upon this bread and wine. Stir in us the
creative and redeem the destructive.
Heal your stricken world, that the soil, the
skies, and the seas may be filled with your life anew.
Fill every heart with the sure and certain hope
that we shall enter into the fullness of your joy,
when your whole Creation is justified by faith and sanctified by love, and you
are all in all. Through Christ and with Christ and in Christ, in the unity of
the Spirit, all honor and glory is yours, everlasting
God, now and forever…
All join strongly together in “The People’s Amen”
As Jesus taught his disciples, we now pray responsively,
Presider Our Creator in heavens
People You are also at home in the air, soil, forests and oceans
Presider Hallowed be your name
People By the care we take of your Creation
Presider Your kingdom come
People All that you see is good
Presider Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven
People Your will to till and care
Presider Give us this day our daily bread
People That all may have enough to live life in fullness
Presider Forgive us our trespasses
People Our greed, our exploitation, our lack of concern for other species and for future generations
Presider As we forgive those who trespass against us
People By reconciliation with justice and peace.
Presider Lead us not into temptation
People The temptation to equate dominion with exploitation
Presider And deliver us from evil
People The evil of destroying your gift of creation
Presider For yours is the kingdom
People Yours, not ours
Presider The power and the glory
People In death and new life
Presider For ever and ever
People You are the beginning and you are the end. Amen. (So be it)
Presider This is Living Bread, given for all Creation.
People All who eat this bread share in Christ’s Body.
The Gifts of God for the People of God. Take them in remembrance that Christ died for you, and feed on him in your hearts by faith, with thanksgiving.
The People may be seated before coming forward in turn
All are welcome at
Christ’s Table. Please come forward in turn to receive. Gluten-free bread is
available on request. Cross your arms over your chest if you wish a blessing
instead. The fullness of the sacrament is currently received in the bread
The People may stand or kneel. All pray together
Holy One,
you feed us with bread from heaven
and the gifts of mother earth.
In this
communion, you have drawn us into your embrace
and you call us to friendship with one another.
You have given us the gift of reconciliation.
May we who have tasted that gift from you,
offer ourselves in peace and humility to one another.
And may you always walk among us as friend. Amen.
May God who established the dance of creation,
Who marveled at the lilies of the field,
Who transforms chaos to order,
Lead us to transform our lives and the Church
To listen to the voice of all creatures
That reflect God’s glory in creation.
Priest Tend the earth,
care for God’s good Creation;
as you have received freely, so give freely.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
People Thanks be to
Today The 14th
Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 am Holy Eucharist II with music
Coffee Hour following
10:30 am Formation “Creation: Learn”
Thursday 4:00
pm Community Dinner
Sep 11 The 15th Sunday after
9:00 am Holy Eucharist II with music
Coffee Hour following
10:30 am Act: “Formation for the Birds”
Sep 21 12:30 pm JULIETs at Sorrento Room
Sep 24 5:00 pm Creation Movie Night
all ages at
Trinity with potluck
Oct 2 2:00
pm Blessing of the Animals
at St. Mary’s
Oct 15 Women’s Retreat coordinated by Dianne Belamarich
at St. Paul’s Episcopal in Hopkinton
· Sunday Formation sessions during the Season of Creation
will be for all ages and held in the parish hall at 10:30 am.
· Next Sunday
please join us for a special morning for families and kids! We will hold the Blessing
of the Backpacks at the 9:00 am Eucharist and then our 10:30 am “Formation
for the Birds” will offer a variety of hands-on activities for different ages as
we “act” (Creation theme) to help our winged friends.
insecurity is rising and our community is helping. Community
Dinners recently supplied:
4: 150 meals distributed (140 restaurant)
Aug 11: 149 meals cooked and served
o Aug 18: 150 meals cooked and served
o Aug 25: 152 meals cooked and served
Every Week (Summer)
Sunday 1st
Sun/month: 8:00
am Holy Eucharist I
9:00 am Holy Eucharist II with music
Coffee Hour following in parish hall
Thursday 12:00/2:00 pm Volunteers prepare meals
4:00 pm Community Dinner served
Friday 10:00
am Painting Class (Murray Hall)
Every Month
The Vestry typically meets every third Monday of
the month via Zoom. All
parishioners are always welcome.
Luncheon groups
of women (JULIETs) and men (ROMEOs) meet monthly at local restaurants.
Youth (8th-12th grades) meet
for fun, fellowship, and formation monthly during the school year.
Community Programs
Community Dinners are
prepared and served weekly to all, alternating between restaurant and cooked
Laundry Love
provides supplies and quarters; pandemic distribution by police dispatcher Lisa
Eyeglass and food donations
collected in the side narthex and given to the Lion’s Club and Daily Bread.
The office is often open between 10 am and 2 pm Monday
through Thursday.
Please contact for an appointment:
Father John,
[email protected]
508-381-9389 (cell)
The Right Rev. Doug Fisher, Bishop
The Rev. John Elliott Lein, Rector
Beth Moeller and Lisa Ruggiero, Sr. & Jr. Wardens
Cheryl Taylor, Treasurer
Ann Marie Lockwood, Clerk
Joan Campbell, Lucille Clinkman, Mary Johnson,
Sarah Prevelige, Cindi Scrimgeour,
Tessa Scrimgeour, and Beth Stochaj, Vestry
Paul Del Molino, Sexton
We serve all God’s
Creation as the easternmost Parish
of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts,
part of The Episcopal Church (USA),
a member of the global Anglican Communion.
Trinity Episcopal church
Weekly scheduleSUNDAY
9:00 am — Holy Eucharist Rite II 10:00 am — Coffee Hour community THURSDAY 4:00 pm — Community Meals (Grab 'n Go) |