“Do not fear, only believe.” [Mark 5:36] The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Holy Eucharist @ 9 am Hybrid Worship: In person and on Zoom Masks are optional: Recommended but not required Ministers of the Liturgy Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Judith Lee Eucharistic Minister: Justin Varteresian Lector: Elizabeth Klisiewicz Musicians: Randolph Bloom, Jeff Lukas, Mary Johnson Ushers: Elizabeth and Steve Klisiewicz Altar Guild: Mary-Ellen Yaroshefski Digital Ministers: Wayne Stochaj & Steve Ketcham What to expect on Sunday morning, click here. For a copy of the service leaflet, click here. For the Weekly Announcements, click here. This Weekend at Trinity: Sunday: 9 am Holy Eucharist in person and on Zoom. The link will be sent on Saturday evening. 2-4 pm Crown Hill (Worcester) Gardens tours This Week at Trinity: The Parish Office will be open Tuesday through Thursday from 10 am until 2 pm. Mother Judith can be reached by phone [716.949.8194] and email. Wednesday 10 am Morning Prayer on Zoom: the link will be sent by email on Wednesday morning Thursday 4 pm Grab n Go meals at Trinity Vacation Bible Camp: Dining in the Kingdom of God August 2nd - 5th, 3-5:30pm Ages: K through Grade 6 Fee:$10/family on Zoom or at United Parish of Upton: Each day: practice a cooking skill, prepare a meal, learn a Bible story and a song We need older youth and adults to assist - in person or remotely. To Register: go to our website: www.trinitychurchmilford.org or click here. For more information contact Rachel Carpenter at: [email protected] Mission Committee - Heifer Project Thank you to everyone who participated in the Lenten collection for Heifer! If you still have your mite box at home, you may send in your offering! Please open up your box, count up your coins and then send a check for the amount, made payable to Trinity Church, and mail it to the church. Please remember to write 'Heifer Lenten Project' in the memo section. If you are not able to send a check, you may drop your box off in the collection plate during one of the in-person Sunday services this month. Thank you! Trinity Mission Committee Crown Hill, Worcester, Garden Tours Sunday, June 27 from 2-4 PM. Private gardens open to the public (free). Pleasant, Oxford, Crown, and Congress streets. Park where ever available. Altar Flowers: Summer Now that we will be gathering for Holy Eucharist every Sunday, we would like to have fresh flowers at the altar every week. However, our florist reports that prices have increased significantly during the pandemic. We invite donations from your gardens. Please contact Mary-Ellen Yaroshefski if you wish to contribute. This may be an opportunity for thanksgiving or memorials. Urgent! Volunteers needed: Community Meals Community Service Opportunity Summer Thursdays: 3-6 pm (We usually finish soon after 5 pm). Two volunteers to tend the “Meal in a Bag” table, where our guests choose food to prepare for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Volunteers will set up the table, help individuals choose items, and end by storing the food and tables in the back of the church. Monthly Dinners beginning in September: 1 Wednesday or Thursday/ month, 3-6 pm Volunteers will serve guests in Murray Hall and takeout dinners at the entrance to the church. Tasks include setting tables, clearing tables, and helping with cleanup. Please contact the Parish Office, Alice Jacobson or Glen Peterson for more information. Food Pantry Donations - There is now a basket in the narthex at the side entrance to the church for donations of non-perishable food to the Food Pantry. Our Prayers Are Offered For: Parish Members & Friends: Bishop Doug Fisher & Family; Tony & Sarah Zozzaro; Lee Kalns; Darlene Young; Karin Tourtellotte; Ani Sharoogian; Shae Frizzell; Bernie O’Connor; Manohar Pathikani & Family; the McDonnell Family; Paul Langlois; Sharon Manoogian; Sal & Vas Ferreira; Laura Uretsky; Michelle; Stephanie; Ron Taylor; Kim Liquori; Peter Lee; Gloria Falcone; Barbara; Valerie; Ray & Enid; Clinton Clark, III; Marco Weiss; Al Price; Robert; Mary Torian, Beth & Terry; Esther McKenzie; Lisa Wilson; Sandra Arbogast; Len Baird; Judy Shea; Robin Rowe; Skye Bayleigh Plaisted; Alex; Alisha Starkis Weddeke; Chrissy & Mark; Thomas Scano; the Canali Family; Sherel & Lou Frere; Craig Silverman; Justin Perkin; Tom Childs; Nancy Sharoogian; Bob Mezzadri; all those serving in the military and the Peace Corps, especially Avary DeRagon; Dan Consigli; Drew Beauchamp; Charles; Laura; Elena; Brendan Wood; Danielle & Joel Marsh; Tom Bento; Joel Joudrey; Justin Woessner and their families. Homebound Parishioners: Verna Parente, and Wayne Morey. The Deceased: Thomas Fisher Our Partner Dioceses: Kumasi and Asante-Mampong in Ghana Those celebrating birthdays this week: Thomas Grover; Eric Ford; Kirsten Flavin; Norman Benard; Ann Murphy; Chloe Burke; Linda Allen; Deborah Shields; Lydia Olson; Sophie Scrimgeour; Karen Varteresian; Cheryl Eidinger-Taylor; Lisa DeBruyn; Todd Thompson; Josslyn Cameron; Anthony Matondi; Chris Alley; Mary Johnson; Alexis LaFlamme; Kimberly King; Sami Lutfy; Rachel Carpenter; David Black; Matthew Ward; Brenda Matondi; and Tom D’Urso. For news and access to Diocesan meetings and worship, go to https://www.diocesewma.org/ For news about events at Trinity and The Episcopal Church go to https://www.trinitychurchmilford.org
Heavenly Father, you entrusted your Son Jesus, the child of Mary, to the care of Joseph, an earthly father. Bless all fathers as they care for their families. Give them strength and wisdom, tenderness and patience; Guide us in supporting them in the work they have to do, as we look to you for love and salvation, through Jesus Christ our rock and defender. Amen. The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Fathers Day World Refugee Day Holy Eucharist @ 9am Hybrid Worship: In person and on Zoom Masks are optional: Recommended but not required The Liturgical Ministers will wear masks throughout the service unless they are speaking or singing Ministers of the Liturgy Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Judith Lee Eucharistic Minister: Stephen Howe Lector: Dave Clinkman Musicians: Randolph Bloom, Jeff Lukas, Cathy Poch Ushers: Andrew Yaroshefski and Touie Jackson Altar Guild: Mary-Ellen Yaroshefski Digital Ministers: Ann Marie Lockwood, Mary Johnson, & Katherine Côté What to expect on Sunday morning, click here. For a copy of the service leaflet, click here. For the Weekly Announcements, click here. This Weekend at Trinity: Saturday: 10 am Diocesan Observance of Juneteenth: Morning Prayer on the Diocesan YouTube Channel. 7 pm Young Adult Evening Prayer (sponsored by Young Adult Ministry Network) Email [email protected] in advance for the link. Sunday: 9 am Holy Eucharist in person and on Zoom. The link will be sent on Saturday evening. 7 pm Prayer Vigil to honor refugees broadcast on Episcopal Migration Ministries' Facebook page. This Week at Trinity: The Parish Office will be closed on Wednesday & Thursday because Magee will be on vacation. Mother Judith can be reached by phone [716.949.8194] and email. Wednesday 10 am Morning Prayer on Zoom: the link will be sent by email on Wednesday morning Thursday 4 pm Grab n Go meals at Trinity with Youth Group donations of flip-flops, sunscreen, and bug spray. Deadline this Sunday: Donations for the Youth Group Mission Project: flip flops, sunscreen, bug spray There is a bin at the side entry of the church Mission Committee - Heifer Project Thank you to everyone who participated in the Lenten collection for Heifer! If you still have your mite box at home, you may send in your offering! Please open up your box, count up your coins and then send a check for the amount, made payable to Trinity Church, and mail it to the church. Please remember to write 'Heifer Lenten Project' in the memo section. If you are not able to send a check, you may drop your box off in the collection plate during one of the in-person Sunday services this month. Thank you! - Trinity Mission Committee Altar Flowers: Summer Now that we will be gathering for Holy Eucharist every Sunday, we would like to have fresh flowers at the altar every week. However, our florist reports that prices have increased significantly during the pandemic. We invite donations from your gardens. Please contact Mary-Ellen Yaroshefski if you wish to contribute. This may be an opportunity for thanksgiving or memorials. Urgent! Volunteers needed: Community Meals Community Service Opportunity Summer Thursdays: 3-6 pm (We usually finish soon after 5 pm). Two volunteers to tend the “Meal in a Bag” table, where our guests choose food to prepare for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Volunteers will set up the table, help individuals choose items, and end by storing the food and tables in the back of the church. Monthly Dinners beginning in September: 1 Wednesday or Thursday/ month, 3-6 pm Volunteers will serve guests in Murray Hall and takeout dinners at the entrance to the church. Tasks include setting tables, clearing tables, and helping with cleanup. Please contact the Parish Office, Alice Jacobson or Glen Peterson for more information Good News Gardens has had a little bit of bad news and lots of good news. The bad news is that in an effort to give away plants on Earth Day, many little plants were shocked by the frigid weather that we had on Earth Day. Some never did recover. We lost several of our little friends. I am wondering how many of the plants people took home on Earth Day were also affected? If your little plants did not survive, we have more to give away. Now, for the good news, Dave and Lucille Clinkman shared a photo of one of their newly adopted tomato plants. One is on their deck and the other has been planted in a raised garden; both seem to be thriving! Cathy Poch. reports that her dwarf sunflowers have buds on them and one of the men who comes to the community dinners invited Charlie over to his garden at the home across the street from the church so he could show how his container garden is thriving. Many of the residents at that house combined their plants to make a small garden. The Good News Gardens have spread as far North as Danvers. A friend of mine from work asked to be part of our garden. And as far west as Charlton as Mother Judith brought Peggy Berube a pot of marigolds and dwarf sunflowers. The flowers were also shocked by the cold on Earth day. However, Peggy told me she has accepted the challenge to nurse them back to health. I volunteered at the Garden of Hope off of the bike trail in Milford on June 5th. We planted a 20 foot by 20 foot garden all with donated plants from several area businesses. This is a communal garden and all are invited to weed and water as well as to share in the harvest. Most of the produce will go to the community food bank. There were so many plants that the folks ar Garden of Hope donated some of them for us to use in our Good News Gardens. We are all growing together. We will give away more plants on Sunday, June 13th and on Thursday, June 17th. All of the plants are safe to stay outside 24/7 now. Remember, on hot days they are really thirsty, please give them water often. I look forward to sharing our harvest with friends, family and neighbors. And I would enjoy news about how your plants are doing, successes and struggles. Respectfully, Mary Johnson Our Prayers Are Offered For: Parish Members & Friends: Bishop Doug Fisher & Family; the Zimmerman Family; Darlene Young; Karin Tourtellotte; Ani Sharoogian; Shae Frizzell; Bernie O’Connor; Manohar Pathikani & Family; Bitsy; Paul Langlois; Sharon Manoogian; Sal & Vas Ferreira; Laura Uretsky; Michelle; Stephanie; Ron Taylor; Kim Liquori; Peter Lee; Gloria Falcone; Barbara; Valerie; Ray & Enid; Clinton Clark, III; Marco Weiss; Al Price; Robert; Mary Torian, Beth & Terry; Esther McKenzie; Lisa Wilson; Sandra Arbogast; Len Baird; Judy Shea; Robin Rowe; Skye Bayleigh Plaisted; Alex; Alisha Starkis Weddeke; Chrissy & Mark; Thomas Scano; the Canali Family; Sherel & Lou Frere; Craig Silverman; Justin Perkin; Tom Childs; Nancy Sharoogian; Bob Mezzadri; all those serving in the military and the Peace Corps, especially Avary DeRagon; Dan Consigli; Drew Beauchamp; Charles; Laura; Elena; Brendan Wood; Danielle & Joel Marsh; Tom Bento; Joel Joudrey; Justin Woessner and their families. Homebound Parishioners: Verna Parente, and Wayne Morey. The Deceased: Thomas Fisher and Eevi Zimmerman Our Partner Dioceses: Kumasi and Asante-Mampong in Ghana Those celebrating birthdays this week: Tess Cuddy; Shane Moeller; Matthew Carey; Penelope Anderson; Mike Gallerane; Kristin Nogler; John Gagnon; Barbara Kalunian; Carol Cormier; Tyler Anderson; Lauren Tredeau; Peach Warren; Judah Garay; Emily Kirby; Gilbert Leonard, III; Eleanor Drummond; Jason Darling; Michael Shawlis; Erin Trites; Julie Uthoff; Pat Ward; Judith Leonard; Alan Atherton; John Palumbo; Michelle Gatchell; Thomas Grover; and Eric Ford. For news and access to Diocesan meetings and worship, go to https://www.diocesewma.org/ For news about events at Trinity and The Episcopal Church go to https://www.trinitychurchmilford.org An Irish Prayer for our Graduates May God give you . . . For every storm, a rainbow, for every tear, a smile, For every care, a promise, and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, For every sigh, a sweet song, and an answer for each prayer. The Third Sunday after Pentecost Honoring our Graduates Holy Eucharist @ 9am Hybrid Worship: In person and on Zoom Ministers of the Liturgy: Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Judith Lee Eucharistic Minister: Lisa Ruggiero Lectors: Nathan Pirelli, Sean Prevelige, Lauren Ruggiero, Sophie Scrimgeour, Landon Sweet, Musicians: Randolph Bloom, Jeff Lukas, Nicolas Figueroa, Kim Stochaj, Beth Stochaj, Cathy Poch Ushers: Andrew Yaroshefski and Ginny Starkis Altar Guild: Mary-Ellen Yaroshefski Digital Ministers: Ann Marie Lockwood & Wayne Stochaj Vestry Liaison: Lucille Clinkman With what can we compare the kingdom of God? What image can we use? It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the largest of all shrubs, and with branches large enough that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.” [Mark 4:30-32] What to expect on Sunday morning, click here. For a copy of the service leaflet, click here. For the Weekly Announcements, click here. This Weekend at Trinity: Sunday: 9 am – Holy Eucharist in person and on Zoom Link will be sent on Saturday evening 10 am – Good News Gardens Plant giveaway 12:30 pm – Celebration Parade for our Graduates This Week at Trinity The Parish Office will be open Monday through Thursday, 10am-2pm Mother Judith can be reached by phone [716.949.8194] and email. Community Groups will resume meeting at Trinity this week Monday 7 pm – Vestry meeting on Zoom Tuesday 7 pm – Finance Committee on Zoom Wednesday 10 am – Morning Prayer on Zoom: the link will be sent by email on Wednesday morning Thursday 4 pm – Grab n Go meals at Trinity with the Good News Garden plants giveaway Saturday 10 am – Diocesan Observance of Juneteenth: Morning Prayer on the Diocesan YouTube channel Join the Celebration Parade for our Graduates Beginning at 4 Congress Terrace @12:30 pm Honoring our Graduates Middle School Graduates: Liam Shields, Sean Prevelige, Lauren Ruggiero, Nathan Pirelli, Landon Sweet High School Graduates: Amanda Ellis, Kim Stochaj, Nicolas Figueroa, Kasie Najarian, Megan Najarian, Isabella Matondi, Emelia Matondi College Graduates: Sophie Scrimgeour, Leah Sweet Mission Committee - Heifer Project Thank you to everyone who participated in the Lenten collection for Heifer! If you still have your mite box at home, you may send in your offering! Please open up your box, count up your coins and then send a check for the amount, made payable to Trinity Church, and mail it to the church. Please remember to write 'Heifer Lenten Project' in the memo section. If you are not able to send a check, you may drop your box off in the collection plate during one of the in-person Sunday services this month. Thank you! Trinity Mission Committee Youth Group Mission Project: June 24th : Summer outdoors flip flops (all sizes for children and adults), sunscreen, and bug spray. There is a bin in the side entrance to the church for collecting donations. If you prefer to make a financial contribution, please write your check payable to Trinity Church with "youth group mission" on the memo line. Please contact Dr. Sarah Prevelige to learn more about how you can help. [email protected]. We thank our young people for their leadership, vision, and compassion. Altar Flowers: Summer Now that we will be gathering for Holy Eucharist every Sunday, we would like to have fresh flowers at the altar every week. However, our florist reports that prices have increased significantly during the pandemic. We invite donations from your gardens. Please contact Mary-Ellen Yaroshefski if you wish to contribute. This may be an opportunity for thanksgiving or memorials Urgent! Volunteers needed: Community Meals Community Service Opportunity Summer Thursdays: 3-6 pm (We usually finish soon after 5 pm). Two volunteers to tend the “Meal in a Bag” table, where our guests choose food to prepare for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Volunteers will set up the table, help individuals choose items, and end by storing the food and tables in the back of the church. Monthly Dinners beginning in September: 1 Wednesday or Thursday/ month, 3-6 pm Volunteers will serve guests in Murray Hall and takeout dinners at the entrance to the church. Tasks include setting tables, clearing tables, and helping with cleanup. Please contact the Parish Office, Alice Jacobson or Glen Peterson for more information. The Good News Gardens Good News Gardens has had a little bit of bad news and lots of good news. The bad news is that in an effort to give away plants on Earth Day, many little plants were shocked by the frigid weather that we had on Earth Day. Some never did recover. We lost several of our little friends. I am wondering how many of the plants people took home on Earth Day were also affected? If your little plants did not survive, we have more to give away. Now, for the good news, Dave and Lucille Clinkman shared a photo of one of their newly adopted tomato plants. One is on their deck and the other has been planted in a raised garden; both seem to be thriving! Cathy Poch. reports that her dwarf sunflowers have buds on them and one of the men who comes to the community dinners invited Charlie over to his garden at the home across the street from the church so he could show how his container garden is thriving. Many of the residents at that house combined their plants to make a small garden. The Good News Gardens have spread as far North as Danvers. A friend of mine from work asked to be part of our garden. And as far west as Charlton as Mother Judith brought Peggy Berube a pot of marigolds and dwarf sunflowers. The flowers were also shocked by the cold on Earth day. However, Peggy told me she has accepted the challenge to nurse them back to health. I volunteered at the Garden of Hope off of the bike trail in Milford on June 5th. We planted a 20 foot by 20 foot garden all with donated plants from several area businesses. This is a communal garden and all are invited to weed and water as well as to share in the harvest. Most of the produce will go to the community food bank. There were so many plants that the folks ar Garden of Hope donated some of them for us to use in our Good News Gardens. We are all growing together. We will give away more plants on Sunday, June 13th and on Thursday, June 17th. All of the plants are safe to stay outside 24/7 now. Remember, on hot days they are really thirsty, please give them water often. I look forward to sharing our harvest with friends, family and neighbors. And I would enjoy news about how your plants are doing, successes and struggles. Respectfully, Mary Johnson July/August Newsletter Deadline: Saturday June 15, 2021 [email protected] Our Prayers Are Offered For: Parish Members & Friends: Ani Sharoogian, Shae Frizzell; Bernie O’Connor; Manohar Pathikani & Family; Bitsy; Darlene Young; Marian Smatt; Darius; Karin Tourtellotte; Paul Langlois; Sharon Manoogian; Sal & Vas Ferreira; Laura Uretsky; Michelle; Stephanie; Ron Taylor; Kim Liquori; Peter Lee; Gloria Falcone; Barbara; Valerie; Ray & Enid; Clinton Clark, III; Marco Weiss; Al Price; Robert; Mary Torian, Beth & Terry; Esther McKenzie; Lisa Wilson; Sandra Arbogast; Len Baird; Judy Shea; Robin Rowe; Skye Bayleigh Plaisted; Alex; Alisha Starkis Weddeke; Chrissy & Mark; Thomas Scano; the Canali Family; Sherel & Lou Frere; Craig Silverman; Justin Perkin; Tom Childs; Nancy Sharoogian; Bob Mezzadri; all those serving in the military and the Peace Corps, especially Avary DeRagon; Dan Consigli; Drew Beauchamp; Charles; Laura; Elena; Brendan Wood; Danielle & Joel Marsh; Tom Bento; Joel Joudrey; Justin Woessner and their families. Homebound Parishioners: Verna Parente, and Wayne Morey. Our Partner Dioceses: Kumasi and Asante-Mampong in Ghana Those celebrating birthdays this week: Leah Sweet; Jaime Carleton; Elira Washburn; Verna Parente; Thayne Cameron; Lina Hutto; Eloise Murphy; Madelyn Gaffin; Anthony LaPierre; Adam Eastwood; Mary Sousa; Emily Condon; Jacqueline Masse; Charlie Johnson; Tess Cuddy; Shane Moeller; Matthew Carey; and Penelope Anderson. For news and access to Diocesan meetings and worship, go to https://www.diocesewma.org/ For news about events at Trinity and The Episcopal Church go to https://www.trinitychurchmilford.org A Celtic Blessing for our Children: When you feel the sun’s light upon you, may you be lit within your heart, so that friends and strangers will come and warm themselves, as though a fire burned within you. When you look up at the bright sky, may its light enter you and shine out from your two eyes, like candles in the windows of a house, showing the way to those who are lost. [from Carmina Gaelica, in Celtic Prayers for Times of Crisis, compiled by Ellyn Sanna, (Anamchara Press, 2020, p. 3 The Second Sunday after Pentecost Celebration of Sunday School and Senior Youth Group Holy Eucharist @ 9am Hybrid Worship: In person and on Zoom Ministers of the Liturgy: Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Judith Lee Eucharistic Minister: Peach Warren Lectors: Allison Kee, Emily Kee, Anna Prevelige, Teagan Richards, Zoey Richards, Tessa Scrimgeour Ushers: Andrew Yaroshefski, Sebastian Carpenter & Malichai Carpenter Altar Guild: Cathy Ellis Musicians: Randolph Bloom, Jeff Lukas, Cathy Poch Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. -Proverbs 3:5-6 What to expect on Sunday morning, click here. For a copy of the service leaflet, click here. For the Weekly Announcements, click here. This Weekend at Trinity: Saturday: 9 am Garden Project at the Garden of Hope, next to Fino Field Sunday: 9 am – Holy Eucharist in person and on Zoom Link will be sent on Saturday evening. 7 pm – Zoom Youth Group This Week at Trinity: The Parish Office will be open Monday through Thursday, 10am-2pm Mother Judith can be reached by phone [716.949.8194] and email. Community Groups will begin to resume meeting at Trinity this week. Wednesday 10 am – Morning Prayer on Zoom: the link will be sent by email on Wednesday morning. Thursday 4 pm – Grab n Go meals at Trinity For a copy of the June issue of The Trinitarian click here. Congratulations to our Sunday School students who joined with students from St. Matthew's Worcester and the United Parish of Upton for our experimental online classes: Sydney Redden, Emily Kee, Landon Sweet, Evie Yaroshefski, Teagan Richards, Kyra Richards, Zoe Richards, Sebastian Carpenter, and Malichai Carpenter. Thank you to our Senior Youth Group for their monthly mission projects: Preparing and serving the Grab n Go Meals in January and April; the 30-Hour Famine in February, the Easter Egg Hunt in April; Grab n Go Tables donations of summer games and flip-flops in May and June. They also collected recyclable containers for the Good News Gardens. Thank you to Rachel Carpenter and Sarah Prevelige for their leadership and wisdom in mentoring our young people. Next Sunday: Honoring our Graduates Middle School Graduates: Liam Shields, Sean Prevelige, Lauren Ruggiero, Nathan Pirelli, Landon Sweet High School Graduates: Amanda Ellis, Kim Stochaj, Nicolas Figueroa, Kasie Najarian, Megan Najarian, Isabella Matondi, Emelia Matondi College Graduates: Sophie Scrimgeour, Leah Sweet Mission Committee - Heifer Project Thank you to everyone who participated in the Lenten collection for Heifer! If you still have your mite box at home, you may send in your offering! Please open up your box, count up your coins and then send a check for the amount, made payable to Trinity Church, and mail it to the church. Please remember to write 'Heifer Lenten Project' in the memo section. If you are not able to send a check, you may drop your box off in the collection plate during one of the in-person Sunday services this month. Thank you! Trinity Mission Committee Youth Group Mission Project: June 24th : Summer outdoors flip flops (all sizes for children and adults), sunscreen, and bug spray. There is a bin in the side entrance to the church for collecting donations. If you prefer to make a financial contribution, please write your check payable to Trinity Church with "youth group mission" on the memo line. Please contact Dr. Sarah Prevelige to learn more about how you can help. [email protected]. We thank our young people for their leadership, vision, and compassion. Altar Flowers: Summer Now that we will be gathering for Holy Eucharist every Sunday, we would like to have fresh flowers at the altar every week. However, our florist reports that prices have increased significantly during the pandemic. We invite donations from your gardens. Please contact Mary-Ellen Yaroshefski if you wish to contribute. This may be an opportunity for thanksgiving or memorials. The Good News Gardens We have been encouraging container gardening, but if you long to have your hands in the earth, you are invited to volunteer at "Garden of Hope" on the bike/walk rail trail in Milford. Mary Johnson is collaborating with Lisa Trussis to manage the garden at Christopher's Corner, near Fino Field Pool, directly off the bike path. On June 5th we will have a garden-work party at 9am. If you are interested in shoveling dirt or planting or watering you are welcome to join us! We will have a table with containers for those who want to garden but cannot get down on their hands and knees to do the work. You can still plant, water and weed. The earth is amazing! Gardening can be a chore, a healing process, nurturing, wearying and uplifting – all at the same time. And it is like alchemy, instead of creating gold, it produces food. And I do love to eat! If you have a plant, nurture it and share the harvest. If you don't have one yet, but want one, we are going to give more plants away after Memorial Day. Charlie has been transplanting the plants and helping them to grow. Stayed tuned for the next few give away dates. - Mary Johnson Our Prayers Are Offered For: Parish Members & Friends: Bitsy; Darlene Young; Marian Smatt; Darius; Karin Tourtellotte; Paul Langlois; Sharon Manoogian; Sal & Vas Ferreira; Laura Uretsky; Michelle; Stephanie; Ron Taylor; Kim Liquori; Peter Lee; Gloria Falcone; Barbara; Valerie; Ray & Enid; Clinton Clark, III; Marco Weiss; Al Price; Robert; Mary Torian; Beth & Terry; Esther McKenzie; Lisa Wilson; Sandra Arbogast; Len Baird; Judy Shea; Robin Rowe; Skye Bayleigh Plaisted; Alex; Alisha Starkis Weddeke; Chrissy & Mark; Thomas Scano; the Canali Family; Sherel & Lou Frere; Craig Silverman; Justin Perkin; Tom Childs; Nancy Sharoogian; Bob Mezzadri; all those serving in the military and the Peace Corps, especially Avary DeRagon; Dan Consigli; Drew Beauchamp; Charles; Laura; Elena; Brendan Wood; Danielle & Joel Marsh; Tom Bento; Joel Joudrey; Justin Woessner and their families. Homebound Parishioners: Verna Parente, and Wayne Morey. Our Partner Dioceses: Kumasi and Asante-Mampong in Ghana Those celebrating birthdays this week: Ani Joyce Sharoogian; Stacey Forgione; Franny Maggiore; Lorraine Howe; Roman Krupa; Matthew Shields; Raji Abraham; Patricia Cerrito; Liam Crisfield; Rory Crisfield; Matthew McCall; Bryan Jackson; Jacques Côté; Kiara Bodreau; Peter Waugh; Evan Gatchell; Donald Levesque; Megan Alley; Dianne Kee; Paul Washburn, III; Alicia Figueroa; Shannon Hynes; Suzanne McMillen; John Guglielmi; Andrew Taft; Ben Taft; Meghan Kirby; Jodi Sheedy; and Leah Sweet. For news and access to Diocesan meetings and worship, go to
https://www.diocesewma.org/ For news about events at Trinity and The Episcopal Church go to https://www.trinitychurchmilford.org |
AuthorMother Judith Lee Archives
July 2021
Categories |
Trinity Episcopal church
Weekly scheduleSUNDAY
9:00 am — Holy Eucharist Rite II 10:00 am — Coffee Hour community THURSDAY 4:00 pm — Community Meals (Grab 'n Go) |